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A Dinner Table is Rather Important


We haven't been able to photograph any fancy wonderful dinners lately mainly due to not having a dinner table in our new little apartment. So far we have been enjoying our casual summery meals of sandwiches and fruit and light salads on the coffee table sitting ackwardly on the couch. I really hope that we find a small table soon...I miss setting the table actually. I love placing out placemats and cutlery and folding napkins and stacking plates and arranging wine glasses and water glasses. Our deadline is September 1st but I do hope that we fix a table much earlier than that.


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i adore my dinner table. i never used to eat at one when i was younger living with my mom. we had a small living space and there wasn't the room for one apart from one off occassions like christmas! nowadays i take pride in having one and being about to enjoy family meals :)
I love eating at a dinner table. I grew up with dinner being the most important part of the day. My family trying to eat dinner together everyday.

We have the tiniest of apartments just 31 square meters small. Even though we don't really have the space I at least want a table for we can have quests too.

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