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We heart Oysters!

We got a new found love for oysters! It could just be the supposed aphrodisiac effect...or their wonderfully salty watery simple taste...who knows. Any how we are loving them with just a drop of Ponzu (citrus soysauce), or a drop of tabasco (classic).

Oysters have always scared me before. I recall trying one when I was a tween and recall also spitting it out immediately. But my taste buds must have matured, as well as my open mindedness to food tasting. Also, I have been scared of multiple horror stories told of family members ailing of food poisoning after enjoying said shellfish...eek! Johan had never before this year tried one, a recent first time oyster tryer...and now an instant oyster lover....but he loves just about anything and everything.

We shall have to experiment with more oysters and taste combos. Gonna have to go out and buy a special oyster opening knife too (because it is fun to have tons of specialized kitchen gear at home). We are just oyster beginners. Any suggestions?

Kristina & Johan

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Hi Kristina, congratulations on your blog, I can definitely see how much passion you put into it; keep it up, I'll keep reading.
Regarding the oysters my only suggestions is BUBBLES!
oh but of course. Bubbles are a must. I haven't gotten Johan to write about all the wonderful drink pairings we have found. So glad you find it interesting.


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