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Pico de Gallo

We are obsessed with pico de gallo...which we have mistakenly called 'salsa' for forever ever. (We are Swedish what do we know about mexican food) Any who...we learned the difference between the two. In the preparation of salsa one cooks the tomatoes, whereas in pico de gallo one just uses fresh chopped tomatoes. We adore the fresh salsa version best with all sorts of dishes not only tex mex spanish mexican food. We substitute it for regular lettuce salads or as a fresh dressing to somewhat bland or heavy roast chicken.

One can make all sorts of pico de gallo with fruit and different veggies but here is our classic.


lime juice and zest
white wine vinegar
olive oil
chopped vine ripe tomatoes
chopped spring onions
finely chopped fresh red or green chili fruit (to taste...a half is usually good for two portions if you like medium hottness)
chopped cilantro
a pinch of sugar
plus the usual stuff like salt and pepper and some lovin'

Half and half oil to lime vinegar mixture is really yummy and wonderfully fresh and we like it. Sometimes we go over the top by cutting away the tomatoes' insides so no seeds get in the mixture. This looks more appealing and keeps one from getting annoying tomato seeds stuck in their teeth but will taste slightly less.

Kristina and Johan

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