I haven't really mastered the Swedish classics yet...I haven't even tried making many of them...slowly but surely I will soon. This saturday I decided to test out pickling some veggies and making a savory little pie for dinner. Turned out quite well for my first try. The veggies would have been much better if I waited a week or two but I was to eager to try them and eat them all up.
The pie:
Whole grain wheat flour
Mixed together till you get a really crumbly dough. Press out into pie forms. Fork small holes so the dough won't misform in the oven.
Bake for 10 mins at 200c.
Smoked Salmon
Västerbotten Cheese (swedish)
Thinly sliced scallions
fresh dill
white peppar
egg and milk
Whisk one egg with a teaspoon of milk and pour over the pie then add a last layer of cheese so this can melt over as a delicious cover.
Bake until cheese has melted and got some nice brown color...takes about 15 minutes.
We served the pies with boiled peeled small potatoes, thin crisp bread, and gräddfil (sour cream) mixed with grated horseradish and lemon juice and zest, as well as my pickled veggies (Which I will post about at a later date, promise...I just want to do them properly once before sharing)